“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
Tithes & Offerings
At Roots Church, we believe that the Bible calls us to be cheerful givers and bring our tithes and offerings as worship to God. We follow the principle of tithing, or giving a tenth of our income back to God as our first and best worship to him. Giving is done with the understanding of God's great provision for us, acknowledging that we live in total dependence on Him for all that we have. Offerings are given above and beyond the Biblical principle of the tithe and are brought as worship to God to further support His mission through the church.
How to Give
1. Cash
The simplest method is to put your offering in one of the green offering envelopes under the chair in front of you at Sunday service and drop it off in one of the offering baskets. This way you can physically offer your tithe to God as worship each month.
2. Online Bank Transfer
If you find that you are regularly forgetting to write your tithe check each month, it can be a good option to use your bank's online transfer system.
Here is the information that your bank requires to successfully transfer your giving:
Account Number: 268-03-500600-4
Account Name: 財團法人臺北市基督教根源基金會
Bank: 國泰世華銀行 Cathay United Bank
Bank Code: 013
If there is space to write a note or message, you can include your name and whether it’s a tithe or offering. Once the transfer is complete for the first time, please email our Bookkeeper the last 5 digits of your account number to ensure an accurate tracking of your giving.